Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today we decided that we needed to take Ayden to see santa. We moseyed on over to South Towne Mall...It was super packed. we get in line and Santa is on lunch break, we waited for 30 min, which seemed like an hour. Santa Finally arrived and the line moved pretty slow.
For everyone that knows Ayden He is VERY friendly. Our turn was here and we walked up to santa and Ayden held daddy like he would never let go. Marc sat on the couch with Santa and he took another look at him and started bawling! It was the typical reaction that you see in the movies. I was shocked because I have NEVER seen Ayden act like this.
So I was going to post pictures, but no can do since there was none to take:(

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So many of you who know me know that I love to change my hair. I love CHANGE! So this is my new creation for a min:)The good thing is Ayden still knows that I am his mommy. I was a little worried that he would freak out and not recognize me but he probably does not care. Marc on the other had is still trying to get used to it:)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Time!!

It is Christmas time! There are two weeks left till the big day, are we all ready??
I am not even close, haven't done a thing. I am usually better than this, the reason why my family decided to have us all MAKE our gifts for everyone. That may come easy for some of us but the rest of us does not have a clue.
I do have some ideas and when they work out I will post it for sure!
We finally decorated the trees and I love the feel of the room when there is a big bold bright tree shining, it brings out the Christmas spirit.
ALTHOUGH...Ayden seems to think that the items on the tree are more toys for him. He for some reason is attracted to the trees.
I am so excited to see the look on his face and to see him so excited for the BOXES!!! This year will be more fun than last, but still no clue on what is going on.
I am looking forward to doing all the Christmas fun traditions. I am going over to my mothers House to make Christmas candy, like dipped pretzels with Carmel and chocolate, Carmel's mmmmmm, Chocolate covered cinnamon bears!
We are going to try to go to the Hogle Zoo for the lights! I think that may be a fun new tradition, we will let you know.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A thanks to my sister Melissa

My sister Melissa who lives in San Fransisco is the most creative person alive! I wish I could be as creative as her. I know I could because I love art but I really would have to have uber amounts of time to even do half the stuff she does. She has helped me get started with my blog and she helps me with all the computer stuff.
So you all should check out
her blog and see all the stuff she posts, she makes some of the most amazing things out of the craziest materials!
Check out you will all be amazed!
I wanted to let her know that I love her and I miss her and especially her cute daughter Penelope Pearl.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wow, it has been 3 weeks since my last posting. I am lazy. Not much has been going down at the bailey residence.
Ayden still is just cracking us up constantly.
Last week before I left for work he grabbed my face and went "mmmmmm" and gave me a closed mouth kiss!
Right then I wanted to stay home and play.

I am still working on the whole "being greatful" thing...funny thing... at church on sunday there was a speaker and I felt like he was talking to me about that whole thing... I was enlightened.

I am posting halloween pics, sorry late but they are cute. Ayden was infatuated with all the leaves at my parents house it was hilarious!
I had to put in a pic of Penelope, she is so cute. I am so sad that I don't really get to see her grow up. Evrytime I see her I am shocked at the things she is doing. Her and Ayden got along really well. Ayden was very curious about her and was very gentle with her.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I am greatful for

Okay, so this week has been VERY stressful. It is a VERY long story, I won't go into detail.
I was reading in a magazine about all these things to do to help relieve stress because it can be detrimental on the health of someone. One of the things it said was to write about all the positive things in your life. During this time of my life I have been thinking very negatively and I NEED to take my red lenses out of my eyes and start noticing the good things.
I have a minute while Ayden is sleeping to ponder all these thoughts...
  • I have been VERY blessed by all my very close friends, who have done and just said the right things at the right time
  • My Family members have been VERY thoughtful and come to our needs without us asking, and telling us that we are in their prayers.
  • I am soooo grateful for my talents that I can utilize them at this time to make more money, sooo grateful for all my loyal clients!
  • I am sooooo grateful for my beautiful, healthy son. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He always puts a smile on my face when I am down.
  • I am grateful for my husband who is very supportive, and positive. I have watched and learned about serving others like Jesus would, not expecting anything in return.
  • I am grateful for how Marc loves being a daddy, how he is sooo patient more than me some days. That he has never complained about being home with Ayden for the last 3 months.
  • I am grateful for our health. I think alot of people take for granted their health. I always think about how lucky I am to be healthy.
  • I am grateful for my testimony in the church, and all the blessings that we receive.
  • I am grateful for our house, some days I wish I could have my dream house. But I know that there are some people out there that wish they could just have any house, so I am very grateful not to be over our heads in debt with a house.

There are many more things I am grateful for, for today I will stop. To all of you out there, this made me feel so much better so thanks for reading and remember all those wonderful small things that you can be grateful for! This life is amazing and I am truly grateful for. Things will get better but for now I will be happy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Time!

I am beginning to love this time of year. So many festivities with Halloween and so many things to do with the kids! This year I am so excited that I don't have to be home to hand out candy. I will be out visiting family and friends. As you can tell by the pictures Ayden will be a monkey!
I was wanting him to be a monkey since he crawls on everything, he loves the monkeys at the zoo, and my parents and I call him our "Monkey Boy". Which is funny because they did the same thing with my brother when he was younger.
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends, my neighbor who I have become good friends with gave me a year supply of clothes and within those clothes she let me borrow her sons costume. It is the nicest costume ever, it is warm so Ayden won't have to wear a coat if it is freezing on Halloween.

The picture where he is looking up at me was the day that I tried the costume on. I was worried that he would hate having something on his head. He took a good picture there, he had the costume on for about 15 min then he realized he hated it. The other picture is a random pic that I put in. That was on a Sunday morning he went to the back door calling "shershee" and he just gets so excited when he sees her!
This other picture was taken at our ward Halloween party. They did a parade and my
cute niece Kelsey(who ayden adores) took him around. He was loving every min of the party, there was so much to look at so many costumes.
It was fun times

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The week of the 1-7th

Okay, so ayden is really getting comfortable with REAL food I almost feel like I have to hide when I eat. For Example, in the mornings if I eat while he is up he will come sit on my lap and whine till I feed him. He eats so fast I hardly get to eat much. So I try to eat before he gets up or while he is in his crib drinking his bottle. At night we feed him first then we eat our food, he jumps right on our lap and whines, the funny thing is he will eat whatever we eat, then when we feed him his dinner we will try to feed him REAL food he refuses! I Just don't get it.
This last week were over at my family's house for conference it was so great. My dad had a lady named Pat Burbidge staying with them, she came all the way from England to come watch conference. Ayden adored her, it was neat to see him interact with her.
Sunday night I was privileged to have a ride on my dads Motorcycle, I love motorcycles!
I love how you can smell all the many scents in the air as you ride past business's or even just past peoples houses. I especially love this time of year and the crisp cool air that nips at your nose, but there is that specific smell of fall. I just wanted to take it all in.
Plus I LOVE the sound of the LOUD pipes, AMAZING!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The week of the 21-28

This week was a crazy one. We didn't go do much as a family. I was doing lots of hair.
We are catching up on cleaning and laundry from the week before since we were out and about so much.
Ayden said "DOGGY" this week. He has this stuffed animal that is a black lab. He grabbed it and said doggy and buried his face in it. It was the cutest ever.
Yesterday Marc was over at his sisters house and Ayden flat out said "dad" and looked at Marc.
He also sayes "HERSHEY" but it kindof comes out "SHERSHEE" it is so dang cute!
He ate pizza for the first time too, he loved it! He is finally more open to try new foods, he loves broccoli and green beans.

Jake's Wedding

The wedding was August 20 2008. I am very late to posting all of this. I Just have a hard time sitting down and just doing this. So Sunday's are a good day to update my blog.
So Sorry that this is old but I thought I would still share all these picutes.

These Pic's were taken
at Jake's wedding.
Aren't they precious?
That one with Grandpa
Newton is my absolute
I Love taking pictures in balck and white. It makes them timeless.

The pictures in the trees are when we went up milcreek canyon and took family pictures.
I know these are out of order I didn't know how to rearrange them, so they are all scattered, But you get the point.

Here we are back at the Wedding. So I feel bad I didn't even get any of the Bride and groom. But we were there and this is when we waited for them to come out. Ayden looks so dapper!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Eyelashes

Okay, so this pic is funny, I was bored at work and had my camera. I have been using this amazing stuff called Revitalash and it makes your eyelashes grow. I wanted to see how long they really were. They are crazy long! That stuff really works.

So if anyone out there wants long eyelashes of their own get revitalash!

The week of the 12-20th update

So, today I thought I would just update what it going on in our lives.
Ayden is getting funnier everyday, he started clapping this last week and saying yea! It is so cute.
Also he really is clingy this week, every morning I leave he would cry and at night he would jsut want to be held. He has started giving hugs and patting us on the shoulder, so stinkin cute! It melts my heart.
This week we went up to Silver Lake up by Brighton we walked around the lake and Ayden loved being outside. He points at everything, he found the Fish in the lake to be interesting, also there were a lot of ducks and he would point to them as well. It was gorgeous up there and the leaves were just starting to change.
Wed we thought we would mosey over to Cabella's. WOW I had never been there before and Ayden LOVED the big fish, and all the deer and bears and the other huge animals they had stuffed. It was a cool store. It definitely is a store for people with a lot of money, it made me want to go camping with all the cool gadgets they have.
It has been fun to spend so much time together as a family, I think this is the most time I have ever spent with Marc in our entire 5 1/2 years of being married.
It is good to be together as a family, I am grateful for everything we have.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ayden's 1st Birthday, Aug 30, 2008

Ayden's Birthday was celebrated on Labor day this year.
Both sets of parents came, both of my garndparents came, linnley, and Marcs sisters Michelle and lesleys and their families.
We were so greatful that they all made an effort to come and make this such a special day.

Grandma and Grandpa Newton just chillin' waiting for the food.

Grandpa and Ayden spending some quality time together.
Marc the grill master! And look he is wearing Missy's apron:)

Look how Cute! he didn't really enjoy the cake but it was fun to see him pick at it!
Next year hopefully the cake will be cooler.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mom and Dad at the warf. What a great couple!
It was so fun to see the Sea Lions basking in the sun, and playing king of the dock!
It smelled like the ocean, and dead fish ewww!

Here we are in Missy's cute apartment making Cafe Rio salads!

They were so delish, plus it was fun cramming in their kitchen:)

Here is the princess we all flew out to see, isn't she adorable!

I thought this pic was so cute with her sticking her tounge out!

Melissa, you have the cutest little girl ever!

I can say that because I have the cutest boy ever!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Swimming with Grandparents

We had a lot of fun at Grandma and Grandpa's a couple of weeks ago. We went over to their neighbors and had a blast in the swimming pool. Ayden couldn't get enough.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Family is Awesome

(from left: Mom, Lin, Me, Melissa & Penelope)