Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I am greatful for

Okay, so this week has been VERY stressful. It is a VERY long story, I won't go into detail.
I was reading in a magazine about all these things to do to help relieve stress because it can be detrimental on the health of someone. One of the things it said was to write about all the positive things in your life. During this time of my life I have been thinking very negatively and I NEED to take my red lenses out of my eyes and start noticing the good things.
I have a minute while Ayden is sleeping to ponder all these thoughts...
  • I have been VERY blessed by all my very close friends, who have done and just said the right things at the right time
  • My Family members have been VERY thoughtful and come to our needs without us asking, and telling us that we are in their prayers.
  • I am soooo grateful for my talents that I can utilize them at this time to make more money, sooo grateful for all my loyal clients!
  • I am sooooo grateful for my beautiful, healthy son. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He always puts a smile on my face when I am down.
  • I am grateful for my husband who is very supportive, and positive. I have watched and learned about serving others like Jesus would, not expecting anything in return.
  • I am grateful for how Marc loves being a daddy, how he is sooo patient more than me some days. That he has never complained about being home with Ayden for the last 3 months.
  • I am grateful for our health. I think alot of people take for granted their health. I always think about how lucky I am to be healthy.
  • I am grateful for my testimony in the church, and all the blessings that we receive.
  • I am grateful for our house, some days I wish I could have my dream house. But I know that there are some people out there that wish they could just have any house, so I am very grateful not to be over our heads in debt with a house.

There are many more things I am grateful for, for today I will stop. To all of you out there, this made me feel so much better so thanks for reading and remember all those wonderful small things that you can be grateful for! This life is amazing and I am truly grateful for. Things will get better but for now I will be happy!


LizBerry said...

I love you Emi! Let me know if you need anything.

Melissa said...

Oh Em! I'm so sorry you've had a stressful week. What a bummer. Let me know if I can do anything. Love you.

Linnley Marie said...

Thanks Em. You are a great example to me. I am trying to hard to see the postive side to the stress and issues of life, but sometimes the wall gets to high it's hard to break it down the all the pressures around. I love you.

Angie said...

Isn't it nice to sit and reflect on the things in life that are really important? I loved reading this list...I can relate to a lot of the things that you listed in my own life.

J and T said...

I just read one of the general conference addresses today, and it made me really grateful for the knowledge I have that leads me to have hope. Maybe President Uchtdorf's talk entitled "The Infinite Power of Hope" will brighten your day a little more, like it did mine. Love you, Em. Tara.

Emily said...

Thanks for reading. Sometimes I wonder if people even read my blog.
Because I am kindof
I am glad you can relate