Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I am greatful for

Okay, so this week has been VERY stressful. It is a VERY long story, I won't go into detail.
I was reading in a magazine about all these things to do to help relieve stress because it can be detrimental on the health of someone. One of the things it said was to write about all the positive things in your life. During this time of my life I have been thinking very negatively and I NEED to take my red lenses out of my eyes and start noticing the good things.
I have a minute while Ayden is sleeping to ponder all these thoughts...
  • I have been VERY blessed by all my very close friends, who have done and just said the right things at the right time
  • My Family members have been VERY thoughtful and come to our needs without us asking, and telling us that we are in their prayers.
  • I am soooo grateful for my talents that I can utilize them at this time to make more money, sooo grateful for all my loyal clients!
  • I am sooooo grateful for my beautiful, healthy son. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He always puts a smile on my face when I am down.
  • I am grateful for my husband who is very supportive, and positive. I have watched and learned about serving others like Jesus would, not expecting anything in return.
  • I am grateful for how Marc loves being a daddy, how he is sooo patient more than me some days. That he has never complained about being home with Ayden for the last 3 months.
  • I am grateful for our health. I think alot of people take for granted their health. I always think about how lucky I am to be healthy.
  • I am grateful for my testimony in the church, and all the blessings that we receive.
  • I am grateful for our house, some days I wish I could have my dream house. But I know that there are some people out there that wish they could just have any house, so I am very grateful not to be over our heads in debt with a house.

There are many more things I am grateful for, for today I will stop. To all of you out there, this made me feel so much better so thanks for reading and remember all those wonderful small things that you can be grateful for! This life is amazing and I am truly grateful for. Things will get better but for now I will be happy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Time!

I am beginning to love this time of year. So many festivities with Halloween and so many things to do with the kids! This year I am so excited that I don't have to be home to hand out candy. I will be out visiting family and friends. As you can tell by the pictures Ayden will be a monkey!
I was wanting him to be a monkey since he crawls on everything, he loves the monkeys at the zoo, and my parents and I call him our "Monkey Boy". Which is funny because they did the same thing with my brother when he was younger.
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends, my neighbor who I have become good friends with gave me a year supply of clothes and within those clothes she let me borrow her sons costume. It is the nicest costume ever, it is warm so Ayden won't have to wear a coat if it is freezing on Halloween.

The picture where he is looking up at me was the day that I tried the costume on. I was worried that he would hate having something on his head. He took a good picture there, he had the costume on for about 15 min then he realized he hated it. The other picture is a random pic that I put in. That was on a Sunday morning he went to the back door calling "shershee" and he just gets so excited when he sees her!
This other picture was taken at our ward Halloween party. They did a parade and my
cute niece Kelsey(who ayden adores) took him around. He was loving every min of the party, there was so much to look at so many costumes.
It was fun times

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The week of the 1-7th

Okay, so ayden is really getting comfortable with REAL food I almost feel like I have to hide when I eat. For Example, in the mornings if I eat while he is up he will come sit on my lap and whine till I feed him. He eats so fast I hardly get to eat much. So I try to eat before he gets up or while he is in his crib drinking his bottle. At night we feed him first then we eat our food, he jumps right on our lap and whines, the funny thing is he will eat whatever we eat, then when we feed him his dinner we will try to feed him REAL food he refuses! I Just don't get it.
This last week were over at my family's house for conference it was so great. My dad had a lady named Pat Burbidge staying with them, she came all the way from England to come watch conference. Ayden adored her, it was neat to see him interact with her.
Sunday night I was privileged to have a ride on my dads Motorcycle, I love motorcycles!
I love how you can smell all the many scents in the air as you ride past business's or even just past peoples houses. I especially love this time of year and the crisp cool air that nips at your nose, but there is that specific smell of fall. I just wanted to take it all in.
Plus I LOVE the sound of the LOUD pipes, AMAZING!!!!