Monday, June 15, 2009

Congrats Marc!

I am so Happy to announce that Marc got a job! This is so excititng.

He is working for a company called Batten & Shaw, they are a construction company out of Tennessee. No we are not moving they have a division of the company in Salt Lake, they do all the western united states. They mainly do remodels of hospitals and rehab facilities.

The job right now is just a temp job but hopefully to be permanent, I think they are just nervous with the economy they dont want to bring on anyone and then have to let them go.

Things are getting busier for them, I just pray that it will continue!

The timing of this was perfect in which our unemployment ran out the week they called him to hire him, also I quit The Spa Club and went booth rent at another spa which is a risk taker.

Everything seems to be working out smoothly I think we have been led to what we needed to do and we have been blessed.

We are soooo incredibly greateful, and thank the lord everyday!

Thanks to all our family and friends who always had us in their prayers, you have no idea how much that means to us! We love you all!


Julie said...

congrats! It's always fun to start a new chapter!

Shelbi McCormick said...

Yay for new jobs! Congrats guys!

J and T said...

We are thrilled for you. Good luck with the new jobs. You guys will be great.

Melissa said...

Congratulations, Marc!! Batten & Shaw definitely picked a good on to hire!

Anonymous said...

If you are not at the Spa Club then where are you? I miss my favorite stylist!

Emily said...

I am at a place called Trinity at the cottage it is in holladay...who is this???

Rachel Dartt said...

Congrats on the job!!! That is way awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm Kristin! I worked at the Spa Club about 5 years ago. Melissa D. and I were addicted to getting our hair cut and colored every few weeks.

Carmen (Cholico) Lynch said...

Congrats Em! I am so excited for you! Good for you guys!

Julianne said...

We are so excited for you guys. So grateful that Marc has found a job...Who wouldn't want to hire Marc?? And so excited for your new adventure. I heard you are doing really well! We love you guys!!